Bob and Ann are working with SETECA, the theological university founded by AVANT in Guatemala City for the preparation of men and women for ministry throughout the Hispanic world. There are presently graduates of SETECA serving the Lord in Central America, Mexico, USA and other countries. [ Note: CAM is now known as: AVANT]

Bob and Ann Henriques

Ann's Story

Ann was born October 22, 1946 of missionaries parents in Lima, Peru, South America. For 40 years her parents served with the South American Indian Mission deep in the Amazon Jungle reaching the Campa Indian tribe for Christ. In the early 1940″s the Campa Indian was a savage warlike tribe. When Ann’s parents, Bert and Marjorie Watson retired four decades later, a flourishing Campa church, Bible Institute and medical clinic provided a continuing Gospel light throughout the Peruvian amazonian jungle.
The first pastor of the Campa Evangelical Church was the witch doctor of the Campa tribe whom the Watsons won to Christ. This man, who was once the leader of spiritual darkness of his tribe, was converted to be a herald of Christ.
At the early age of 5 years, Ann gave her heart to Christ on her mother’s knee. As soon as she was able her parents involved her in the work among the Indians: Sunday school teacher (age 10), medical clinic and related activities. She learned to speak Spanish and the Campa dialect. Her musical talents include: voice, accordion, piano and organ.

Bob's Story

Bob was born in New York City on August 1, 1946 of Roman Catholic Hispanic parents (father Portuguese and mother Porto Rican). At the age of 8 years old he moved with his parents to Florida where he came to know Christ at the age of 15 and then led his brother to the Lord about a year later. Bob speaks Spanish and Portuguese. His musical talents Include coral directing, voice and accordion. Bob and Ann met at Columbia Bible College and Seminary – both earned B.A. and M.A. – and were married June 6, 1968. During college days both ministered In Spanish ministries and in their last year of ministerial preparation they applied to CAM International to serve in Central America. By December 1968, Bob and Ann were in Costa Rica for a brush-up on the Spanish language and then moved to Panama in the spring of 1969 for two and a half years of service in church planting and evangelism among juvenile delinquents. In October of 1972 they moved to Guatemala where they are presently serving in various ministries.

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Ann's new book on Greek
Grammar of the Bible

The work “Introduction to Biblical Greek” responds to a strong need felt by all those who have had the responsibility of forming the future leaders of the churches. Also among those who are already ministers, the need has long been felt to know with greater precision and depth the texts of the New Testament in their original language, Common Greek or Koine. In a successful attempt to fill this gap, Ann Henriques, Nelson Morales and Daniel S. Steffen, Professors at the Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala City, have prepared this introductory work that answers with clarity and simplicity the usual questions among those who know that They need to know the original language of this part of Scripture, and at the same time they don’t know how to do it.